Pope Francis hospitalised for several days with respiratory infection

Pope Francis was hospitalized in Rome after experiencing difficulty breathing and being diagnosed with a respiratory infection. The 86-year-old pope, who had part of one lung removed earlier in life, does not have COVID-19. This hospitalization raises concerns about his overall health and his ability to lead Holy Week events starting with Palm Sunday. The Vatican spokesman said that the pope will require several days of medical treatment at Gemelli hospital, where he also received treatment in July 2021. Francis had cancelled all audiences until Friday, but it is not yet clear whether he can keep his Holy Week plans. President Joe Biden expressed concern for his "friend's" health during a meeting with the President of Argentina. Francis had knee problems and had used a wheelchair for over a year, but has been walking more with a cane lately. He has also said that his diverticulosis and intestinal bulge had returned during a January interview with The Associated Press.

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