Poland Couple With 7 Kids Already Now Has Quintuplets

A British father and his Polish wife had seven children before deciding to try for one more; they now have five children. The five newborns who were delivered on Sunday, according to ex-pat Vince Clarke and his wife Dominika, were "a miracle."

It would take a significant amount of time, effort, and resources to raise such a large family. Each child's parents would have to meet their emotional and developmental needs in addition to meeting their basic needs for food, clothing, and a place to live.

Couple with quintuplets

Dominika gave birth at the University Hospital in Krakow, Poland, to three girls and two boys. They already had two sets of twins, Antoinette and Ziggy, Alexander and Charlotte, and three other children, Phillip, Elliot, and Grace. They are named Arianna Daisy, Charles Patrick, Elizabeth May, Evangeline Rose, and Henry James.

Dominika referred to the pregnancy as a "miracle" following the birth, despite the fact that the odds of conceiving quintuplets were one in 52 million, according to the hospital.


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