Picasso on a farm? Italian land artist paints world's largest Picasso portrait

 Italian craftsman Dario Gambarin has delivered what he says is the world's biggest representation of Pablo Picasso, in a field in Verona, Italy. Gambarin said that Picasso's self-portrait from 1907 gave him the idea to make what he claims is the world's largest Picasso portrait. 

Picasso was born in Malaga on October 25, 1881, and died on April 8, 1973, in Mougins, France. Gambarin recreated around 1907 a self-portrait of the Spanish painter using a farm truck, to mark the 50th death anniversary of Picasso. Picasso covered somewhere around 10 self-portraits over the course of his vocation — his earliest in 1896, when he was only 15 years of age and lived in Barcelona with his family while going to the La Llotja School of Expressive Arts. His last creations were made in 1972 when he was in his 90s. 

Gambarin used his tractor to turn a field into a portrait of Donald Trump before the 2016 US presidential election, writing "Ciao" underneath Trump's left shoulder. He also created a portrait of Hillary Clinton, Trump's opponent in the election.

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