Pakistan: Firshermen becomes an overnight Millionaire upon selling a Rare fish 'Sowa'

A fisherman, Haji Baloch in Pakistan's Karachi city became a millionaire overnight after auctioning a haul of rare fish with incredible medicinal properties. These golden fish, also known as Sowa, in the local dialect, were caught by Haji Baloch and his workers in the impoverished Ibrahim Hyderi fishing village, right off the shores of the Arabian Sea.

On Friday morning, at the Karachi harbour, the fishermen auctioned off their catch, selling the entire haul for approximately 70 million rupees, as confirmed by Mubarak Khan from the Pakistan Fishermen Folk Forum. The Sowa fish holds immense value due to its rareness and the belief that substances from its belly possess remarkable healing and medicinal properties. Additionally, a thread-like substance extracted from this fish is utilized in surgical procedures. Baloch mentioned that each fish can fetch around 7 million rupees in the auction. This fish, which typically weighs between 20 to 40 kgs and can grow up to 1.5 meters, is highly coveted in East Asian countries.

What's even more significant is that the "Sowa" carries cultural and traditional importance, playing a role in local medicinal practices and cuisine.. according to Haji, the fisherman,they were fishing in the open sea of Karachi...when they came across this huge cache of golden fish, and it was a windfall for them. Haji said he would share earnings among his team of seven individuals. These fish typically approach the coast primarily during their breeding season.

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