North Korea fired what could be a ballistic missile, Japan and South Korea reported

Japanese and Chinese missile has reported that the InterContinental ballistic missile has been fired suspected by North Korea. It was reported that a long-range missile has flown for nearly an hour and landed in Japanese waters on Wednesday morning, 12.07.2023. 

Pyongyang’s recent launch has reportedly been due to retaliation for the US spy plane intervention, which was threatened by the North Korean government. North Korea has recently tested a lot of new weapons, which do not adhere to any agreement of International laws. The country has also been involved in testing missile launches since last year, which has the potential to be used against the US military.

The missile landed in the sea west of Japan, at 11.15 local time, which was reported by the Japanese court Guard. A 1000 km distance flight was covered by the South Korean military.

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