Nazi-looted Kandinsky painting sold for $44.55 million at a London auction

Wassily Kandinsky was a Russian painter and art theorist who is credited with being one of the pioneers of abstract art. Kandinsky's paintings are characterized by their use of bold, vibrant colors and abstract shapes.

Wassily Kandinsky

The painting belonged to husband-and-wife Johanna Margarete and Siegbert Stern, who were victims of the Nazi Holocaust. The painting was hung in the dining room of their family home, Stern Villa in Postdam. Johanna Margarete lost her husband in 1935. In order to run away from the Nazis, she fled to the Netherlands.

The painting was sold to the Van Abbemuseum by a dealer in 1951, after her death. The painting was returned back to the heirs of the Stern family by the museum last year. This painting has now been auctioned for 37.2 million pounds($44.55 million) at Sotheby's in London.

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