Merriam-Webster crowns 'Authentic' as 2023 Word of the Year

Merriam-Webster, the highly respected dictionary, has announced "Authentic" as the standout word of 2023. This selection is a result of the notable increase in online searches for the term over the course of the year, driven by conversations surrounding artificial intelligence (AI), celebrity culture, identity, and social media.

The multifaceted nature of "authentic" is a key factor in its widespread appeal, as it encompasses meanings such as "genuine" and "true to oneself." However, accurately defining authenticity can be quite challenging and often sparks debates.

The word's prevalence in the United States, where it had previously gained attention, has expanded this year, mainly because of the increasingly blurred distinction between what is considered "real" and "fake." The rise of AI has played a crucial role in this phenomenon, as there is a growing interest in determining the authenticity of written content, images, and videos.


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One word that garnered a lot of attention as a strong candidate for word of the year was "deepfake," which refers to videos and photos that have been digitally altered using AI. Influential individuals such as Elon Musk, the owner of X (formerly known as Twitter), emphasized the importance of authenticity on social media, which played a significant role in increasing the word's popularity.

Some other significant words from 2023 include the internet slang "rizz," which is a shortened term used to describe someone's charisma, romantic appeal, or charm. The term "indict" also gained popularity, especially after former President Donald Trump faced indictment in four different legal cases.


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The impact of British events has reached the US word trends, as searches for "coronation" have increased significantly following the crowning of Charles III as the new king in May.

When considering the linguistic landscape of 2022, the selected word of the year happened to be "gaslighting," which is commonly used to describe the act of manipulating individuals in order to make them question their own realities or beliefs.

In conclusion, the resonance of "authentic" in 2023 reflects societal discussions on identity, technology, and truth. As we approach the end of the year, the linguistic journey unfolds with a thoughtful exploration of words that have captured attention and initiated meaningful conversations.

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