Man with strongest neck in the world' balances fridge on head while cycling

A bizarre video of a man cycling on a road intersection while balancing a fridge on his head has gone viral. Many onlookers are seen using their phone cameras to record the man's antics. Barstool Sports posted this undated video, which was reportedly shot in New York, on Instagram. So far, it has received over two lakh likes.

Many Instagram users commented on the video, expressing disbelief, amazement, and curiosity about the man's ability to balance such a heavy object on his head while cycling. Some people also wondered how he managed to get the fridge on his head in the first place. One user commented, "This can't be real? That's insane!" Another user jokingly wrote, "Wish my relationship was as strong as his neck..."

In March 2022, a video of a man in New York balancing a suitcase on his head while cycling went viral. The video shows the man skillfully navigating traffic signals and moving easily, while shouting out, "I got it!"

Balance and coordination are essential physical attributes for many sports, including gymnastics, surfing, and hitting objects. Balance is the ability to maintain your centre of gravity and control your body movements in everyday activities, such as sitting, walking, dressing, and riding a bike.


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