Mammatus clouds grace skies of China's Hubei province

A video of Mammatus clouds in China's Hubei province has gone viral on the internet. The unusual cloud formations resemble cotton balls and are often accompanied by severe weather patterns.

Mammatus clouds are formed when cold air sinks below warm air, causing the warm air to rise and cool. This creates pockets of cold air within the cloud, forming the characteristic pouches.

Photo:  Mammatus clouds

Mammatus clouds can indicate the possibility of hail, heavy rain, and lightning. However, they are not always a sign of severe weather.

In the case of the video that went viral, there were no reports of severe weather in the area. However, it is still important to be aware of the potential risks associated with Mammatus clouds and to take appropriate precautions if you see them.

Here are some safety tips to keep in mind if you see Mammatus clouds:

Stay indoors if possible.

  • If you need to go outside, stay alert to your surroundings and seek shelter if needed.
  • Do not drive through areas where Mammatus clouds are present.
  • Be prepared for the possibility of hail, heavy rain, and lightning.

Mammatus clouds are a beautiful but potentially dangerous phenomenon. By being aware of the risks and taking appropriate precautions, you can stay safe if you ever see them.

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