Los Angeles court sentenced Harvey Weinstein to 16 years in rape case

Harvey Weinstein was condemned Thursday to 16 additional years in jail for the assault of a lady in a Beverly Slopes lodging, improving the probability that the shamed Hollywood tycoon will spend the rest of his life in the slammer.


In December, he was sentenced by a Los Angeles jury of effective assault, effective oral fornication, and sexual entrance by an unfamiliar object of a European entertainer whose personality was not uncovered.


Examiners said Mr. Weinstein took advantage of and mishandled people for quite a long time, and long delighted in the exemption in light of his then-strong situation in the business.

The ladies would have gambled losing their future Hollywood employment possibilities assuming that they had openly charged Mr. Weinstein at that point.


Mr. Weinstein's legal counselors had recorded a protection movement mentioning either another preliminary or a decreased decision, claiming they were blocked from conceding significant proof about the assault casualty - - incorporating Facebook messages with a supposed sweetheart which the appointed authority considered unimportant - - and that their questioning was restricted.


In any case, Judge Lisa Lench denied the motion and condemning went for it.

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