Do Lebanon Explosions Breach International War Laws?

A wave of explosions targeting wireless communication devices across Lebanon this week, believed to have been carried out by Israel, may constitute a breach of international laws of war, according to legal experts. These attacks, which claimed the lives of dozens and left thousands injured, have raised concerns about potential violations of rules prohibiting indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks.


Devices Targeted

The blasts, which occurred in two waves on Tuesday and Wednesday, specifically targeted devices associated with members of the Lebanese group Hezbollah, including pagers, walkie-talkies, and cellphones. While Hezbollah quickly accused Israel of being behind the attacks, the Israeli military has yet to issue a statement. The explosions occurred across residential areas, markets, and public spaces, causing widespread devastation and panic throughout Lebanon.


International humanitarian law (IHL) mandates that military operations should target specific military objectives and avoid harm to civilians. Human rights lawyer Sarah Leah Whitson stated that the use of booby-trapped civilian devices like pagers is “inherently indiscriminate,” adding that the resulting casualties demonstrate that these devices cannot be aimed solely at military targets. “This is exactly why booby traps of ordinary civilian objects are illegal,” she explained.

Psychological and Physical Harm

Psychological and Physical Harm

The explosions not only caused physical injuries but also created significant psychological distress among civilians. Huwaida Arraf, a US-based human rights lawyer, highlighted that the attacks breached the 1996 Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines and Booby-Traps, further emphasizing the illegal nature of the attacks. She stated that without proper precautions to protect civilians, such operations cannot be justified under international law.

The explosions have severely strained Lebanon’s medical infrastructure, with hospitals overwhelmed by the sudden influx of injured civilians. In addition to the direct harm caused by the blasts, legal experts argue that the attacks impact on Lebanon’s emergency medical services must also be considered when assessing the proportionality of the actions.

While Hezbollah has continued its military operations, launching attacks on Israeli military bases, the strategic purpose behind Israel’s alleged attacks on civilian communication devices remains uncertain. Experts suggest that the damage inflicted on Lebanon’s health system and civilian population may far outweigh any potential military gains.

Human Rights Watch has called for an urgent, impartial investigation into the attacks, questioning whether Israel adhered to the principle of proportionality in its military operations. This principle requires that any harm to civilians must not be excessive in relation to the military advantage anticipated. Further assessments are needed to determine the full extent of the damage caused by these blasts and their broader impact on Lebanese society.

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With inputs from agencies
Image Source: Multiple agencies

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