Kentucky man runs out of gas but wins $1 M while buying fuel

A man from Kentucky, Michael Schlemmer, who had just $20 in hand, won the lottery for $1 million. The man was running out of gas and, therefore, he filled the gas for $20 as he had only $40 left with him. He bought a lottery ticket for a leftover $20 from Convenient Food Mart and found out that he had won the highest prize in the lottery ever. 

He scratched the ticket and rushed to the shop where he bought the ticket. But he didn't believe in that prize until and unless he received the check. Michael got a total of $616,330 from the Kentucky lottery prize. He said that he would purchase a new car and deposit the remaining amount in the bank.  

His destiny gave him the richest surprise ever with just $40 remaining in his hands, and changed his life.

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