Israel launches innovative project to turn trash into power

The Israel Ministry of Defence and the Israel Defence Forces started an initiative on Monday to turn organic waste in military facilities into renewable energy in an effort to address environmental sustainability.

The project, in collaboration with Home Biogas, an Israeli start-up with headquarters in Beit Yanai, seeks to transform kitchen garbage into "biogas."

A sustainable energy source called biogas is created when organic waste, such as animal manure, food scraps, and sewage, breaks down in an oxygen-free environment.

Microorganisms are involved in this process because they break down molecules of organic matter to create a mixture of gases, mainly methane, and carbon dioxide with amounts of other gases like hydrogen sulfide.

Biogas is a great resource for producing energy that can be utilized for cooking, heating, or transportation because of the methane content, which gives it its energy potential. Additionally, biogas can be used in the management of garbage and fertilizers.

The installation of the army's first system was marked on Monday at the Glilot facility in central Israel. 500 kilograms of organic waste can be recycled every day using the method. The base's water will be heated using the biogas that is produced.

A one-year trial of the HomeBiogas system will be conducted. More systems will be bought for more bases if the assessments are favorable.

The Defence Ministry estimates that the IDF spends about $22 million annually on garbage disposal, the majority of which is disposed of in landfills.

Dror Bin, CEO of the Israel Innovation Authority, said, "HomeBiogas' system represents a promising solution that can significantly contribute to combating the climate crisis, addressing a pressing need in the extensive mass catering industry."

Said Home Biogas CEO and co-founder Oshik Efrati, "We see this important collaboration as a significant milestone in our company's journey toward expanding its business activity. This project represents another crucial step in fulfilling Home Biogas' vision of offering innovative and cost-effective solutions for generating renewable energy while simultaneously reducing environmental pollution and greenhouse gas emissions associated with the transportation and disposal of organic waste."


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