Israel Accuses UN Staff for aiding Hamas Attacks, Staff Sacked and Funds Freeze

Israel has accused the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza of its staff members' involvement in the October 7 terror attacks by Hamas, leading to the agency dismissing its officials, the US and others suspending funding to the organisation, and strained relations between Israel and the UN.

On the same day as the UNRWA allegations, the UN's top court ICJ ordered Israel to take immediate action to prevent genocide in Gaza but stopped short of calling for a ceasefire. 

UNRWA, frequently criticised by Israel, has faced accusations of anti-Israel incitement and aiding Hamas, and teaching hatred in schools. In 2017. UNRWA has consistently denied these allegations, condemning the October 7 Hamas attack as "abhorrent."

The Allegations?

An adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, stated that the 7 October Hamas attacks had involved "people who are on their [UNRWA] salaries." It has accused 12 UNRWA staff members of involvement in the October 7 attacks. 

Mark Regev said there was information showing teachers working in UNRWA schools had "openly celebrated" the attacks. Hamas gunmen killed around 1,300 people, mostly civilians, and took another 250 hostage.

Mr. Regev also referred to an Israeli hostage who, on her release, said she had been "held in the house of someone who worked for UNRWA." 

"They have a union which is controlled by Hamas, and I think it's high time that the UN investigated these links between UNRWA and Hamas," he added.

The Israel Defense Forces claimed UNRWA facilities were used for "terrorist purposes." The agency stated it lacks information, but the Office of Internal Oversight Services will investigate. 

An adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, stated that the 7 October Hamas attacks had involved "people who are on their [UNRWA] salaries.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres response

UN Secretary-General António Guterres, in a statement on Sunday, confirmed the termination of nine out of the 12 staff members involved, with one reported deceased and the identities of two others still under clarification. 

“Any UN employee involved in acts of terror will be held accountable, including through criminal prosecution,” Guterres said, adding that an independent investigation is forthcoming. 

“The abhorrent alleged acts of these staff members must have consequences,” Guterres said. “But the tens of thousands of men and women who work for UNRWA, many in some of the most dangerous situations for humanitarian workers, should not be penalised,” he added. “The dire needs of the desperate populations they serve must be met.”

Funding Freezed

In the aftermath of the allegations against UNRWA, nine countries, including the US, the UK, Canada, and Germany, have temporarily paused funding for the main UN agency in Gaza. The UK Foreign Office expressed dismay over the allegations and announced a temporary halt in future funding, pending a review. The US State Department, also troubled by the accusations, suspended additional funding, and the EU stated it would assess further steps based on the investigation's results.

However, Ireland and Norway have maintained confidence in UNRWA's investigation, continuing their support despite the funding pause by other nations. Ireland emphasized its commitment to UNRWA's vital work in Gaza, while Norway recognized the catastrophic situation and pledged ongoing financial support. 

However, UN Secretary-General António Guterres, urged countries to continue financial assistance to the UNRWA, which supports two million Gazans who depend on “critical aid for daily survival.”

PLO’s reaction

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) has strongly urged an immediate retraction of the funding suspension, emphasizing the substantial political and relief risks associated with the decision. Minister for Civilian Affairs Hussein Al-Sheikh expressed concerns, stating that the decision to pause support poses significant political and humanitarian relief risks.

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) has strongly urged an immediate retraction of the funding suspension, emphasizing the substantial political and relief risks associated with the decision.

URWA’s response

In a statement on Saturday, Mr. Lazzarini expressed shock at the suspension of funds, highlighting the swift action UNRWA took by terminating contracts and initiating an independent investigation into allegations against a small group of staff.

He emphasised the immense irresponsibility of sanctioning the agency and the communities it serves based on allegations against some individuals, especially during a time of war, displacement, and political crises in the region.

UNRWA Chief Lazzarini clarified that the agency annually shares the list of all its staff, including Israel, with host countries, and no concerns about specific staff members have been received.

He stated that an investigation by the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services into the heinous allegations will establish the facts.

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees confirmed sacking several employees accused by Israel of involvement in Hamas's October 7 attack to protect its ability to deliver humanitarian assistance. Lazzarini asserted that any UNRWA employee involved in acts of terror will be held accountable, including through criminal prosecution, based on information provided by Israeli authorities.

The UN agency for Palestinian refugees confirmed sacking several employees accused by Israel of involvement in Hamas's October 7 attack to protect its ability to deliver humanitarian assistance.

Lazzarini responded to the funding suspensions, urging reconsideration and describing them as shocking. The challenge adds to UNRWA's longstanding struggle, raising questions about its ability to continue providing essential aid in Gaza amid heightened concerns of starvation.

The United States, as the organization's largest donor, played a crucial role, with funding suspended previously under the Trump administration but later restored under President Joe Biden. The current suspension poses significant challenges for UNRWA's humanitarian efforts in the region. 

UNRWA reports struggling to get humanitarian aid to the estimated 1.7 million people, nearly three-quarters of the population, displaced by 12 weeks of fighting.

UNRWA was founded in 1949 post the Arab-Israeli war, its mission is to provide humanitarian aid to displaced Palestinians. With a current mandate covering education, healthcare, camp infrastructure, social services, and emergency assistance, the agency supports 5.9 million refugees, as renewed by the UN General Assembly over the years. At least 152 UNRWA staffers have been killed in Gaza since the Israel-Hamas war began, according to the agency.


The current relationship between Israel and the UN has deteriorated significantly. UN officials have criticized Israel's conduct in the Gaza conflict, resulting in heightened tensions. Israel expressed displeasure over UN calls for a ceasefire, arguing that it would solidify Hamas' control in Gaza. 

In December, Israeli diplomats criticized UN Secretary-General António Guterres for urging the UN Security Council to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe, highlighting perceived inconsistencies in the UN's response to other global conflicts.

(Inputs from other Agencies)

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