Is there a gay Prime Minister in the world?

Every country is slowly accepting the LGBTQ community. It is a big step towards a newer world. Many celebrities have come out and shown their true identity. That sounds really normal, right, but have you heard of a Prime Minister coming out as LGBTQ? Well, there are some countries that accept their Prime Minister in their truest form.

Xavier Bettel

Xavier Bettel was elected as the first openly gay Prime Minister of Luxembourg in world history for a second term. This broke a lot of Taboos in the world. Luxembourg legalized same-sex marriage in 2015. He married Architect, Gauthier Destenay in the same year.

 Ana Brnabić

 Ana Brnabić, the Prime Minister of Serbia, became the first woman in the world from the LGBTQ community to become a Prime Minister. She's also the first female in Serbia to hold the title. She also attended Belgrade’s Pride parade in 2017. In 2019, her wife was blessed with a son. 

The world is moving forward and we can surely see that.

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