Indonesia is set to move its capital from Jakarta to Borneo

Indonesia is getting ready to shift its capital from Jakarta to Borneo due to environmental problems like congestion, sinking into the sea, and earthquake threats.

According to officials, the new city will be a "sustainable forest city" that prioritizes sustainability and treat it as the heart of the development also will achieve carbon neutrality by 2045, according to the Associated Press. The establishment of the new capital, according to Indonesian President Joko Widodo, will serve as a "nostrum for the problems in Jakarta, which will also allow the country to start afresh."

The city of Jakarta, which is home to 10 million people, has been labeled the fastest-sinking city in the world and is anticipated to be submerged by the year 2050. Authorities stated that excessive groundwater extraction, which has been made worse by the rising Java Sea owing to climate change, is the major cause of the capital's shift.

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