India Strongly Responds to Pakistan's Kashmir Remark at UN, Highlights Terrorism Sponsorship

During the 55th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, which initiated on February 26, and is set to persist until April 5, India there, utilised its 'Right to Reply' to deliver a strong retort to both Turkey and Pakistan regarding their mention of Jammu and Kashmir. 

Describing Pakistan's Human Rights track record as "abysmal," Anupama Singh, India's first Secretary at the UNHRC, emphasised that such a country has no authority to meddle in the internal affairs of others. 

Critiquing Pakistan for its "extensive references" to India, Ms. Singh expressed disappointment that the Council's platform was once again used to make false allegations against India. She emphasized the need for a response to address these claims.

India stated, "We cannot pay any further attention to a country that speaks while being soaked in red , the red of the bloodshed from the terrorism it sponsors around the world; the red of its debt-riddled national balance sheets; and the red of the shame its own people feel for their government having failed to serve their actual interests."

Anupama Singh, India's first Secretary at the UNHRC

Three main Firm Response to Pakistan

Firstly, she stated, "For a country that has institutionalised the systematic persecution of its own minorities and has a truly abysmal human rights record, commenting on India, which is demonstrably making great strides in achieving economic progress and social justice, is not merely ironical but perverse."

She referenced a "striking example" of extensive brutality against minority Christian communities in Jaranwala city, Pakistan, in August 2023, during which 19 churches were destroyed, and 89 Christian houses were set on fire. 

Secondly, Ms. Singh emphasised the irony of a country hosting and even celebrating UN Security Council-sanctioned terrorists commenting on India, whose pluralistic ethos and democratic credentials serve as global exemplars. This apparent reference alludes to terror outfit leaders like Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) founder Hafiz Saeed and Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) chief Masood Azhar enjoying the support of the Pakistani government.


Thirdly, Ms. Singh affirmed that the Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh are integral and inseparable parts of India. She stated that the constitutional measures implemented by the Indian government to promote socio-economic development and good governance in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir are internal matters of India. She emphasised that Pakistan has no legal standing to intervene in issues that pertain solely to India's internal affairs.

Response to Turkiye

Anupama Singh, India's First Secretary at the UNHRC, warned Turkey against making unsolicited comments on India's internal matters, emphasising that Jammu and Kashmir is solely an internal affair. 


"Firstly, we express regret over the remarks made by Turkey concerning an issue that is solely India's internal affair, and we trust that it will abstain from offering unsolicited commentary on our internal affairs in the future," Ms. Singh stated.

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