India says Pakistan is obsessed with us!!

Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, India's Minister of External Affairs, has stated that Pakistan is "obsessed" with India and urged the neighboring nation to "move on." During an interview with the Indian news channel NDTV, he said that Pakistan has been focused on India while India has been focused on its own development and progress.


India accuses Pakistan of supporting terrorist activities in the Kashmir region, which has led to an increase in ceasefire violations and border skirmishes between the two countries. Jaishankar's remarks come amid these developments.


In response to Jaishankar's remarks, Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan stated that Pakistan's concerns regarding India's actions in Kashmir are legitimate and that India must respect the rights of Kashmiris. Multiple wars have been fought between the two nations over the disputed region of Kashmir, which has a long history of tension and conflict.

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