Highway collision leaves 15 dead in Canada's Manitoba Dist

According to numerous media sources, a semi-trailer truck and a vehicle intended to transport senior citizens and physically impaired individuals collided in Canada, killing at least 15 people. The staff prepares for one of the biggest emergency responses the area has ever seen.

In the province of Manitoba, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) said that as of Thursday night, 15 individuals had died in the collision and 10 more had been injured and taken to hospitals.

“This is a day in Manitoba and across Canada that will be remembered as one of tragedy and incredible sadness,” commanding officer Rob Hill said at a news conference. “To all those waiting, I can’t imagine how difficult it is not knowing if the person you love the most will be making it home tonight. I’m so sorry we can not get you the definitive answers you need more quickly.”

The inquiry has now been taken over by the RCMP's major crime services.

A bus headed to a nearby casino and carrying largely elderly was struck by a semi-truck just before noon. On Thursday, a crash occurred close to the town of Carberry, which is located 160 kilometers (100 miles) west of Winnipeg. Both car drivers are alive and being treated in a hospital.

Superintendent Rob Lasson of the major crimes unit made the statement “This incident does have echoes of the tragic collision that happened in Humboldt, Saskatchewan, and we are very much aware of that. We have already linked to the investigators in Saskatchewan, who have first-hand experience,” about the collision in 2018 that claimed the lives of 15, the bulk of whom were teenage hockey players.

Social media posts included pictures of the Handi-Transit truck on fire. Later pictures reveal the car with its roof completely burned off.

Tracy Leitch of Manitoba was driving along the highway when she noticed smoke ahead when passing a highly damaged semi-truck and another crushed vehicle.

“There was nothing left of the vehicle,” she told CTV News. “I was almost in tears and almost had a panic attack. Like I just felt really sick to my stomach.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said: “The news from Carberry, Manitoba, is incredibly tragic. I’m sending my deepest condolences to those who lost loved ones today, and I’m keeping the injured in my thoughts. I cannot imagine the pain those affected are feeling – but Canadians are here for you.”


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