Henley Passport Index 2023: Japan loses top spot to Singapore as world's most powerful passport

Singaporeans can now enjoy the right of free visa entry to 192 countries by surpassing Japan’s most powerful visa status in the world. This has led Singapore to enter into the world’s most powerful country zone. This is according to the Henley Passport Index report which was published recently. 

Following Singapore, Germany, Italy and Spain second the consecutive places in the Index. The passport holders from these countries will enjoy free visa entry for 190 countries respectively. While the United States was ranked in the 1st position in the year 2014, according to the recent report it has reached the lowest position of all time, which is in the 8th position of the Index.

While a lot of counties have seen a downfall, Singapore on the other hand has propelled its way 5 places higher this year and topped the table. 

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