Gabriel Attal, 34, becomes France's youngest, first homosexual PM

In a surprising turn of events, France welcomed its youngest and first openly gay head of government, Gabriel Attal, as the newly appointed Prime Minister. At 34, Attal's meteoric rise from a work experience recruit in the health ministry to the pinnacle of the state's leadership marks an extraordinary journey.

Gabriel Attal, 34, becomes France's youngest, first gay PM

Attal's background:

Born into a privileged background, Attal's career path seemed destined for success. His sharp wit and eloquence earned him the moniker "Word Sniper" for his remarkable ability to tackle any issue, making him stand out among his peers advising President Emmanuel Macron during the early years of his presidency.

Attal's upbringing in Paris, son to Yves Attal, a lawyer and film producer of Tunisian Jewish descent, and Marie de Couriss, endowed him with a diverse heritage. He navigated the corridors of influence, studying at prestigious institutions such as École Alsacienne and Sciences Po University, where his political aspirations began to take shape.

Gabriel Attal, 34, becomes France's youngest, first gay PM

Attal's Political Journey:

Attal's foray into politics emerged during a demonstration against far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen in 2002, spurring his involvement in the Socialist Party. However, his allegiance shifted to Macron's centrist En Marche party in 2016, propelling him swiftly through the political echelons.

His career milestones include serving as the youngest government member under the Fifth Republic, holding pivotal positions like government spokesperson, public accounts minister, and later as education minister. Attal's agility in the political arena and compelling communication skills have consistently drawn attention.

Gabriel Attal, 34, becomes France's youngest, first gay PM

Why Emmanuel Macron has chosen Gabriel Attal for the post?

President Macron’s choice of Attal as Prime Minister reflects a strategic move to revitalize a government facing challenges amid a loss of parliamentary majority. While some critics dismiss the shift in leadership as a mere façade for unchanged policies, Macron's reliance on Attal's dynamism hints at a desire for a rejuvenated direction.

Attal's civil partnership with Stéphane Séjourné, an influential figure in Macron's party, underscores his personal and political evolution. Despite his shift from centre-left to centre-right ideologies over the years, Attal's appointment is poised to resonate positively, with a recent poll signalling public approval.

Gabriel Attal, 34, becomes France's youngest, first gay PM

Emmanuel Macron's gamble on Attal echoes his own early ascension in French politics. The appointment is seen as an attempt to reinvigorate a government facing challenges, hoping to resonate with a disillusioned younger electorate in the lead-up to the European elections.

As France witnesses the inauguration of its youngest Prime Minister and an openly gay leader, Gabriel Attal's trajectory embodies hope, promise, and a testament to an evolving political landscape. His journey from a budding recruit to the forefront of France's governance exemplifies ambition, agility, and the promise of change.

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