Fatal train collision on Indonesia's main island of Java claimed the lives of three

On the major island of Java in Indonesia, two trains crashed on January 5, killing at least three people. In the West Javan city of Bandung, the disaster happened close to the Cicalengka train station. From Cicalengka station, a commuter train headed to Padalarang collided with the Turangga express train, which was moving from Surabaya to Bandung. One carriage even plunged into a nearby rice field as a result of the accident, causing several others to buckle and topple.

Fatal train collision on Indonesia's main island of Java claimed the lives of three

TV images displayed the wrecked and overturned carriages as well as the terrified passengers attempting to flee the scene. 54 passengers from the Turangga express train and 106 passengers from the commuter train were saved overall as a result of the ongoing rescue operations. Ambulances took the injured people to safety.

Fatal train collision on Indonesia's main island of Java claimed the lives of three

Unfortunately, there are a lot of train accidents in Indonesia, especially because of the old railway network and problems at crossings. The reason for this specific collision is still being looked into.

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