Fatal fire erupts in an Italian hospital, leaving 3 dead and several evacuated

A fire broke out in a hospital on the outskirts of Rome, Italy, resulting in the deaths of at least three people and injuries to several others. The San Giovanni Evangelista hospital in Tivoli, which housed nearly 200 patients, was evacuated overnight following the fire. The blaze started in the emergency room on the ground floor and quickly spread throughout the building, filling it with thick smoke. The victims who died were aged between 76 and 86, and a fourth body was found in the hospital mortuary, although it is believed that this person may have died before the fire occurred.

Fatal fire erupts in an Italian hospital, leaving 3 dead and several evacuated

Among those evacuated were 193 patients, including a pregnant woman and children. Some of the patients were in intensive care units and were immediately transferred to other hospitals via ambulances. The cause of the fire and the extent of the damage are still unknown, and Italian officials have launched an investigation into the incident. While prosecutors do not believe the fire was intentionally set, they are considering manslaughter charges as the working hypothesis for the investigation.

Fatal fire erupts in an Italian hospital, leaving 3 dead and several evacuated

Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni expressed her condolences to the families of the victims and offered her support to those affected by the fire. The investigation into the incident is ongoing, and more information will be revealed as the authorities continue their probe.

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