Family sues Google after Maps' Misdirection led to Serious Accident

In September 2022, a heartbreaking tragedy unfolded as Philip Paxson, a resident of North Carolina, met a fatal accident when his vehicle careened off a collapsed bridge into a creek. The incident occurred while he was following directions provided by Google Maps, leading to his untimely death by drowning. The lawsuit filed by Paxson's family alleges gross negligence on the part of Google, as they claim that several residents had previously reported the hazardous condition of the bridge to Google Maps. Despite receiving these reports, the company failed to update its mapping data, which ultimately led Paxson onto the treacherous route.

Philip Paxson's familiarity with the area was limited, as he was returning home from a family gathering and had never been to the location before. Under the cover of darkness and amidst rainy conditions, he relied on Google Maps for navigation, oblivious to the fact that the bridge had collapsed and was devoid of proper signage or barricades.

Photo: Incident site

(Image Source: Complaint file; Image details: Incident Site)

The lawsuit extends beyond Google, implicating private property management companies responsible for maintaining the land and bridge in question. It alleges that these entities had a duty to maintain safety, including erecting warning signs and barricades, which they failed to fulfil.

This tragic incident serves as a distressing example of a recurrent problem where GPS navigation systems, including Google Maps, inadvertently direct users into perilous situations. While Google expressed sympathy for the Paxson family and committed to accurate routing information, the lawsuit seeks both compensatory and punitive damages and calls for a jury trial to address the circumstances surrounding this devastating loss.

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