Eight former Indian Navy personnel in Qatar have 60 days to appeal jail sentences

The MEA (Ministry of External Affairs) reports that eight Indian Navy soldiers who were sentenced to death have had their sentences mitigated. Before the October 2022 death sentencing, the Qatari court kept the case confidential. The MEA spokesman, Randhir Jaiswal, said the death sentences were reversed and the lawyers had 60 days to challenge the jail terms. The Court of Cassation is Qatar's highest court, which hears appeals.

Eight former Indian Navy personnel in Qatar have 60 days to appeal jail sentences

A case between Qatar and India has made things worse between the two countries, and both are trying to keep the proceedings very secret. There are about 700,000 Indian jobs in Qatar, in addition to providing India with energy. People think the case has something to do with the Qatari military's security secrets, but the government hasn't said anything about it yet. Dahra Global hired the eight Indian workers. The company did military work for Qatar but had to shut down after the scandal got out.

There has been a lot of communication between the MEA and the families of the accused. For consular reasons, the guys in prison have been allowed to go to the Indian Embassy in Qatar three times. Somebody from the MEA said that the court's order was secret, but they did confirm that the death sentences had been changed.

Eight former Indian Navy personnel in Qatar have 60 days to appeal jail sentences

Eight Indian Navy veterans now have a glimmer of hope because they can review the decision that put them on death row instead of being sentenced to death. If you want to challenge, you will have to wait 60 days. After that, you will go to the Court of Cassation.

Keeping good relations between two countries and taking care of legal matters are both very important in this case. Both Qatar and India have been careful about how they talk to each other because their relationship is so important and there are a lot of Indian workers in Qatar. What happens to the eight Indian Navy soldiers may have an impact on how the two countries collaborate in the future.

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