Ecuador declares Internal Armed Conflict, prompting National emergency

Executive Order: Ecuador Goes Into "Internal Armed Conflict"

Declaring an "internal armed conflict," President Daniel Noboa of Ecuador has given security forces orders to "neutralize" several criminal organizations suspected of inciting extreme violence within the South American nation. 

official decree from president of Ecuador declaring 'Internal Armed Conflict'

Chaos on Live Broadcast: Armed Attackers Take Over TC Television

The decree was issued soon after armed and hooded men disrupted a live television program. On Tuesday, multiple violent incidents were occurring all over the nation. In the coastal city of Guayaquil, there have also been reports of armed people at a hospital and a university by local media outlets. Ecuadorians watched in disbelief as the live broadcast of the network based in Guayaquil was taken over. The attackers were heard firing shots and yelling in the background as they forced the TC Television employees onto the studio floor. A video from social media captured the incident at the network owned by the state. 


Source: Sky News

Safety Guaranteed: Police Apprehend Assailants, Remove TC Television Employees, Seize Weapons, Await Terrorism Charges

Ecuadorian police have detained 13 people, including TC Television employees, and seized weapons, awaiting terrorism charges. The network's general commander, César Zapata, confirmed that all staff members and hostages were alive and that the media outlet had been evacuated. The takeover of the show was described as a "very violent attack" by Jorge Rendon, anchor for TC Television. Rendon recalled that the attackers wanted to enter the studio to express their message. The media outlet is now awaiting justice for those responsible for the acts of terrorism.


Source: Ministry of the Interior Ecuador @MinInteriorEc (X)

Public Fear: Ecuadorians Stunned by Unprecedented Violence

Following the death of Fernando Villavicencio in Quito, Ecuador, protestors waved Ecuadorian flags during a demonstration. A woman who lived outside Guayaquil experienced tumultuous traffic on her way home, observing businesses closing and people running frantically on roads meant for cars, including women and children. The desperation and chaos were the most terrifying aspects of the situation. 

military rule in Ecuador

State of Emergency: President Noboa's Decisive Measures

Adolfo Fito" Macias, a prominent gang leader, escaped from prison in Guayaquil, prompting President Noboa to declare a nationwide state of emergency. Since then, the nation has experienced explosions, police kidnappings, and prison disturbances. The 60-day state of emergency will involve the police and armed forces to maintain public order. A curfew is in place to prevent gatherings that could endanger public order. Noboa's predecessor, former President Guillermo Lasso, has declared multiple states of emergency.


Source: Presidencia Ecuador @Presidencia_Ec (X)

Abductions and Explosions, Triggering Widespread Violence

Since the state of emergency was made public, at least seven police agents have been abducted in three cities. The new president, who won the run-off election last year, is facing his most severe test in the form of spiralling violence. Rival criminal organizations are primarily responsible for the nation's deteriorating security situation. They have been engaging in ruthless acts of violence in the streets and prisons. An explosive device was detonated in a vehicle during a kidnapping, and police responded to over 20 emergencies in different parts of the country. No casualties are currently known related to the explosions.


Source: Presidencia Ecuador @Presidencia_Ec (X)

Neighbour's Response

Peru plans to declare an emergency over its northern border region due to Ecuadorian unrest, and the interior minister has instructed the National Police to increase security. 

Adolfo Macias- gangster

Adolfo Macías, head of the Los Choneros gang. Source: X

Prison Chaos and Manhunt Continue: "Fito" Macias Search Gets Tougher

Prison unrest in Ecuador has escalated with at least six incidents, including disturbances and the detention of penitentiary agents, according to the SNAI. The situation in prisons is out of control, with 38 prisoners escaping, including, one who was apprehended last Friday. President Daniel Noboa issued a state of emergency on January 9, 2024, due to the escape of dangerous gang leader Adolfo Macias. The Armed Forces of Ecuador conducted control operations in the affected areas, and at least four police officers were kidnapped. The situation has led to 12 prisoners being apprehended again. 

Fabrico Colon Pico Arrested

Source: TC Television (X)

To address national unrest and threats to public order, Ecuador's National Assembly is calling an urgent meeting. With over 3,000 police officers and armed forces deployed, the search for Adolfo Macias, also known as "Fito," is still ongoing. The head of Los Choneros, Macias, is connected to the maritime drug trade between Mexico and the United States. He was imprisoned for trafficking in drugs. His escape's precise time and date are still a mystery. Fernando Villavicencio, the late presidential candidate, cautioned against carrying out his anti-gang violence campaign for the leadership.

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