Do You Know Where Kailasa Is?

Nithyananda, the fugitive rape suspect, has made headlines after his pupil Vijayapriya Nithyananda, along with five other women, represented his "nation" Kailasa at a UN summit on February 24. But where is this Kailasa?

The fugitive self-styled godman Nithyananda is supposedly at Kailaasa, but this Kailaasa is not the one in the Himalayas. He reportedly fled India after an alleged instance of kidnapping and unjust confinement of minors to force them to collect funds from devotees for his ashram in Ahmedabad. In addition, Nithyananda is charged with raping a former follower while disguising the act as spiritual practise.


In South America, Nithyananda established the "Republic of Kailaasa," calling it the "world's greatest and purest hindu nation”

The runaway godman says he speaks for "two billion Hindus" in Kailasa. The Rishabha Dhvaja is the national flag of Kailasa. Nandi the bull and Nithyananda are depicted on the state flag of Kailasa. The flag may be displayed in homes, businesses, vehicles, and places of worship by Nithyananda devotees.

Nithyananda and the "vision for the Cosmic Constitution of Kailasa" are both included on the state crest of Kailasa. Kailasa also has its own currency and national anthem. 

Kailasa’s flag

But how did Kailasa make it to the UN? 

A nation wanting to be recognised by the UN must meet four requirements: a defined territory must have a permanent population, a government, and the capacity to communicate with other nations.

Via his social media accounts, Nithyananda has been attempting to highlight the various events in which the administration of his Kailasa has participated alongside recognized authorities and governments. 

Even though it was a scam, Vijayapriya Nithyananda sent a team to a UN conference to show that his Kailasa government was respected on a global scale. 

The organisation of the "self-proclaimed" figure's inputs, according to a statement from the UN on Wednesday, would not be taken into account.

Ambassador of Kailasa, Vijayapriya Nithyananda

Vijayapriya Nithyananda, who they describe as their "Permanent Ambassador of Kailasa to the UN," was reportedly representing Nithyananda at the United Nations summit on February 24.


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