Diwali is now a holiday in India and in Pennsylvania

The festival of Diwali will be recognised as a holiday in the US state of Pennsylvania. State senator Nikil Saval tweeted that the Pennsylvania State Senate had approved a resolution honouring the festival of light in addition to thanking Greg Rothman for the opportunity to propose the measure.

Diwali is a festival of lights celebrated by thousands of people each year, including many people from the 34th Senatorial District who are South Asian and live in Pennsylvania. According to Nikil Saval, the formal acknowledgment of Diwali sends a strong message of inclusion to the state's almost 200,000 South Asian population.

Greg Rothman stated in a statement that declaring Diwali a state holiday "upholds and celebrates our Commonwealth's rich regional diversity." He said the festival, which will be celebrated on November 12, 2023, is a moment for contemplation on the never-ending struggle of light against darkness.

The bill's passage represents an important step towards appreciating and celebrating Pennsylvania's many cultures. Diwali will now be acknowledged, making Pennsylvanians who observe the occasion feel recognised and accepted. It conveys a crucial message of acceptance and inclusivity for all community members.

This legislation serves as a crucial reminder that all community members should feel appreciated and accepted and that cultural variety is a strength to be celebrated. It is a step in the right direction towards creating a society that values and appreciates the distinctive contributions of each of its members and is more welcoming and inclusive.

Beginning in 2023, New York City will also observe Diwali as a public holiday. Prior to that, Mayor Eric Adams underlined the value of diversity and urged kids to gain knowledge about the festival of lights.

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