Deadly Istanbul bomb attack takes more than 6 lives and injures over 50

On Sunday, a bomb-shattered a busy pedestrian street in the heart of Istanbul, killing six people and injuring many more as terrified bystanders fled the conflagration or gathered in cafés and stores.

Bomb in Taksim Square

Emergency vehicles flocked to the scene on Istiklal Avenue, a well-travelled street dotted with stores and eateries that leads to Taksim Square. In one video that was uploaded online, a loud blast could be heard and a flash could be seen as the onlookers turned and fled.

Istiklal Avenue, a famous destination for shoppers and tourists with a tramline running the length of the street, was the scene of photographs that aired on television news broadcasts of a person, who appeared to be a woman, dropping a parcel below a raised flower bed.

Who's responsible??

Istanbul blast on Taksim Square

Soylu claimed that the northern Syrian city of Kobani, where Turkish forces have recently engaged in operations against the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia, is where the order for the attack on Istanbul's Istiklal Avenue was given. The explosion was referred to as a "treacherous attack" by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who also promised to punish those responsible. Erdogan said that in addition to the six people who died, a further 53 people were injured, citing information he had from the governor of Istanbul.

Aftermath scenes

The use of close recordings and pictures of the explosion and its aftermath has been prohibited by Turkey's media authority for the time being. Similar prohibitions have previously been issued by the Supreme Council of Radio and Television in the wake of attacks and mishaps.

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