Can the American Justice System Put an END to Trump's Re-Election Dreams?

The American justice system is a system of laws and legal procedures that are designed to ensure that individuals are treated fairly and that disputes are resolved in a fair and orderly manner.

In the case of former President Donald Trump, it is possible that he could face legal proceedings related to various investigations or allegations that have been made against him. The Justice Department will focus mainly on the events that followed the 2020 election. 

Trump is accused of fomenting an insurrection and conspiring to defraud the US government over his attempt to subvert the outcome of the 2020 election, and the horrific attack on the US Capitol, where about 7 people died. 

January 6th Capitol riots

The United States Justice Department will take over the investigation which was done by a selected committee. The Jan 6th panel has handed a 17-month long investigation to the Justice Department and are confident that they have enough evidence to proceed with criminal charges against ex-President, Donald Trump. 

These proceedings would be separate from his political activities and would not have a strong enough stand to stop him from running for office. But a lot of people have raised questions about Trump, and his suitability to lead the country after not reacting, or choosing not to react when a mod of his supporters were attacking the Capitol. 

There is also the question regarding the 2 other investigations going on against Donald Trump, the first being whether to charge Trump or not for rebellion and obstructing the peaceful transition of power. The second is an investigation going on to prove if Trump unlawfully gathered government secrets after leaving the office in 2021. 

Donald Trump may face criminal charges 

If the results of these 2 investigations don't come in Trump's favour then he will have to face huge consequences that will impact his ability to run for office in 2024. 

If the results do come in his favour, then Trump's re-election dreams depend entirely on the decisions made by voters in future elections. And in any scenariao, with the recent cases and speculations regarding Trump, he will have to face immense backlash from the voters and opposition candidates alike. It seems highly unlikely that he will have the same support he had in the past. 

As of now everything regarding Trump is a maybe. Nothing can be said for certain until the Justice Department is done with their proceedings. 


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