Biden and Trump will face off in an early debate

On Thursday, President Biden and former President Trump will share the stage for an early presidential debate on CNN, a rare opportunity for them to make their cases for a second term. This debate, the first of the 2024 campaign, is critical because many voters will watch for the first time to see the candidates debate each other's policies.

Biden & Trump

Key Issues Economy:

Both candidates have different economic plans. Biden plans to raise taxes on the wealthy and large corporations while restoring the child tax credit. Trump intends to extend his tax cuts and reduce corporate tax rates. Both support tariffs on Chinese imports, but take different approaches.


This remains a major concern. Biden has been chastised for being too lenient, whereas Trump advocates deporting millions of undocumented immigrants. Biden recently issued an executive order to reduce illegal border crossings, but it may face implementation challenges.

Abortion Rights:

Biden wants to codify Roe v. Wade protections into federal law. Trump believes abortion regulations should be left to the states, despite previously proposing a nationwide 15-week ban.

Foreign Policy:

Biden has been a strong supporter of Ukraine and NATO, whereas Trump has expressed doubts about NATO and suggested that he may side with Russia in certain conflicts.

Debate Biden & Trump

This debate is important because it sets the tone for the candidates' policies and will influence the campaign until the next debate in September.

Inputs: Agencies

Image Source: Multiple agencies

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