Bengaluru is the second slowest city to drive in the world

Bengaluru is the second slowest city in the world. Why? 'Cos you can drive 10 kilometres in 29 minutes and 10 seconds.  According to the report that was released by TomTom Traffic Index on Wednesday, February 15, it will take an average of 29 minutes and 9 seconds to travel 10 kilometres through the centre of Bengaluru in 2022, making it the second slowest city to drive in the world.

 Bengaluru is the second slowest city in the world because it takes nearly 30 minutes for a car to travel 10 kilometres through traffic. Four other Indian cities made the list, with Pune coming in at number 6. Delhi is ranked 34, and it takes an average of 22 minutes and 10 seconds to travel 10 kilometres within the city. Mumbai came in at number 47, with an average travel time of 21 minutes and 10 seconds for a 10 km distance—one minute less than Delhi.

With 36 minutes and 20 seconds, London took the top spot, an increase of 1 minute and 50 seconds over 2021. After Bengaluru, Dublin came in third, and Sapporo in Japan came in fourth.