Army officers declared coup in Africa's oil producing country Gabon

Army officers in oil-producing Gabon stated that they had taken control over, on Wednesday, putting Bongo under house arrest and appointing a new leader, after the Central African nation's election board declared President Ali Bongo had won a third term. 

After a tense poll that was expected to continue the Bongo family's more than 50-year rule, the officers appeared on television saying they represented the armed forces, asserted that the election results had been canceled, borders had been closed, and state institutions had been dissolved.

Another broadcast address stated that within hours, the generals met to decide who would oversee the transition and unanimously chose General Brice Oligui Nguema. He is the previous commander of the presidential guard.

While under house arrest, Bongo appealed to his allies overseas in a video statement, urging them to speak up for him and his family. He claimed he had no idea what was going on.

The military coup in Gabon is the second in as many months, after Niger, and the eighth in West and Central Africa since 2020. Additionally, military officials have taken over Mali, Guinea, Burkina Faso, and Chad, undoing democratic victories made since the 1990s and instilling alarm among international countries with strategic interests in the region.

After the demise of his father Omar, who had reigned since 1967, Bongo took power in 2009. According to opponents, the family has not done enough to share the wealth from mining and oil with the 2.3 million citizens.

Following Bongo's controversial election victory in 2016, there was violent turmoil and a foiled coup attempt in 2019.

The officers from Gabon claimed to represent The Committee of Transition and the Restoration of Institutions. They claimed that the country was experiencing "a severe institutional, political, economic, and social crisis" and that the vote on August 26 was invalid.

Additionally, they said to have arrested Noureddin Bongo Valentin, the president's son, as well as other individuals for treason and corruption.

There was no prompt comment from the government of Gabon. 

(Pic: Screen Grab: GABON 24 via AP)

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