Face Reveal of Amenhotep III: Richest Man Ever Lived in This World

In a big reveal, Pharaoh Amenhotep III who ruled Egypt during the 14th dynasty and who was worshipped as a living god,  is the richest who ever lived in this world. 

 Dr. Michael Habicht, an archaeologist at Australia’s Flinders University says, “He might well have been one of the richest men that ever lived, at least in his epoch.”

The world saw his face for the first time! A team of Multinational Scientists are recreating the face of Pharaoh Amenhotep III, a ruler who lived approximately 3,400 years ago. But how? By using advanced scientific modelling technology. 

amehotep III face

What was the Technology used?

Modern technology is something else, always curious to reveal the mysteries of the Past! 

A whole team of Scientists from different parts of the world, led by Brazilian graphics designer Cicero Moraes, recently revealed the first-ever facial reconstruction of Pharaoh Amenhotep III by using anatomical data and advanced modelling techniques.

Basically, Cicero Moraes and his team reconstructed Amenhotep III’s features from the mummified skull of Pharaoh. The skull's dimensions were compared with those of living donors to accurately recreate the shape and positioning of his nose, ears, eyes, and lips. Later, they set up the model based on what they knew about ancient Egypt figures and how they looked.

cicero moraes

The final result? The team created a realistic bust of Amenhotep III, showing him in royal clothing and accessories. There is also speculation that his mummy was covered in gold leaf, making him look like a god.

Moraes while expressing his excitement said, "If we are not mistaken, this is the first facial approximation of Amenhotep III. It is our gift to all those who appreciate history."

"We were amazed with the final result; seeing a complete bust with these colours and the facial serenity is quite satisfying,” he added.

This face revelation is not new. Last year, Scientists recreated the face of Egyptian King Tutankhamun during his reign of power over 3,300 years ago by using a digital model of his mummified skull. Tutankhamun was a grandson of Amenhotep III. Experts said  “He looks like a young man with a delicate face.”

How Amenhotep III looked might Surprise You! 

“He was an obese, sick, and sedentary man, who was almost bald and suffered from dental problems in the last years of his life,” as per the Research carried out in the 1970s.

“Although he was one of the truly great kings of Egypt, his body height is about 156cm, making him one of the smallest kings we know from their preserved mummies." it added.

However, Amenhotep III was called the "Magnificent One.”

statue of Amehotep III

About Amenhotep III- A living deity

Amenhotep III's name was derived from the sun and air god Amun. He was revered as a living deity and a divine ruler. Amenhotep III's reign was a golden age, the economy was booming, politics were calm, and arts and culture were thriving, making him one of the greatest pharaohs ever

He was unmatched in his enormous wealth and power. Amenhotep III exhibited his opulent reign by overseeing numerous monumental construction projects in Egypt and Nubia. He built and restored many temples in Egypt, including those in Memphis, Luxor, Elkab, and Armant. 

He has the largest number of statues and monumental structures still than to any other ancient Egyptian ruler, indicating his enormous popularity and power he possessed.

At the age of 40 or 50, the monarch's reign came to an end, ending an era of rise in ancient Egypt's magnificence.

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