Aliens Confirmed? Whistleblower testifies multi-decade US program on UFOs

A panel in the US Congress has received testimony from former military servicemen suggesting that the American military might possess much more information about unidentified objects observed in the sky than what has been publicly disclosed before. As per reports, during the hearing about Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs) – a term used instead of "UFO" to avoid stigma – former military personnel shared remarkable stories. They talked about alleged secret military programs and their personal experiences with unknown objects flying in US airspace. David Charles Grusch, a former US Air Force intelligence officer and whistleblower, revealed that the American military might be trying to understand and replicate crafts that appear to have come from sources, not of this world.

Photo: . David Charles Grusch, a former US Air Force intelligence officer

In addition, a retired US Navy Commander, David Fravor, provided a detailed description of an incident in 2004 when he and other pilots encountered a UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) over the Persian Gulf. US lawmakers are under significant political pressure to conduct a thorough investigation of the UAP issue while maintaining a rational approach to the topic. Some members of the panel attempted to present the hearing as an exploration of potential extraterrestrial visits to Earth, but it was primarily focused on investigating any possible cover-up related to these phenomena.
Recent news reports, declassified videos, and testimony from Congress have revealed that there have been numerous encounters with unknown objects that the public wasn't aware of. These encounters have shown consistent patterns in the accounts provided by witnesses. 
Even those who are sceptical about the idea of extraterrestrial visitors to Earth are concerned that advanced technology, not of terrestrial origin, might be operating near American military assets. However, the origin and deployment of such technology remain unclear.


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