Seven Vital AI Guidelines Proposed by UN Advisory Group

An artificial intelligence (AI) advisory body established by the United Nations released its final report on Thursday, outlining seven key recommendations to address the growing risks and governance gaps associated with AI. The report is set to be discussed at an upcoming U.N. summit in September.

UN Advisory

Advisory Body Established to Tackle AI Governance

The U.N. formed a 39-member advisory body last year to address the international governance challenges posed by the rapid development of AI technologies. The panel's recommendations include the creation of an impartial global panel to provide accurate scientific knowledge on AI and to address information disparities between AI research labs and the global community.

Since the launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT in 2022, backed by Microsoft, the use of AI has expanded rapidly, raising concerns about its potential to spread misinformation, fake news, and infringe on intellectual property rights. While only a few countries have introduced legal frameworks to regulate AI, the European Union has taken the lead by passing a comprehensive AI Act. In contrast, the United States relies on voluntary compliance, and China focuses on maintaining state control and social stability.

U.S. and Global Efforts on Responsible AI Use

On September 10, the United States joined approximately 60 countries in endorsing a "blueprint for action" aimed at promoting the responsible use of AI in military applications. However, China opted not to support the non-binding document. With the development of AI concentrated in the hands of a few multinational corporations, the U.N. cautioned against the risk of AI being imposed on societies without public input on its usage.

The U.N. advisory body put forward several proposals to enhance global AI governance. These include initiating a new policy dialogue on AI governance, creating an AI standards exchange, and establishing a global AI capacity development network to strengthen governance capabilities.

Among its other recommendations, the U.N. suggested the creation of a global AI fund to address collaboration gaps and boost capacity. It also called for the development of a global AI data framework to ensure transparency and accountability in AI development and deployment.

The advisory body also proposed the establishment of a small AI office within the U.N. to support and coordinate the implementation of these recommendations, ensuring global efforts to govern AI remain cohesive and effective.

With inputs from agencies
Image Source: Multiple agencies

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