After Brexit, Welsh single malt whisky receives PGI status

Monday saw the successful registration of Single Malt Welsh Whisky under the UK Geographical Indication (UKGI) programme, which safeguards its brand, authenticity, and distinctive qualities in a manner similar to Scotch whiskies. It joins other traditional British goods obtaining protection, such as Cornish Clotted Cream, as the first new UK spirit drink application to be registered and protected under the new programme launched following Brexit. Single Malt Welsh Whisky, which dates back to 1887, is produced using malted barley and water that is exclusively from Wales. As a result of the new protection, only whiskies produced in this manner are permitted to use the name Single Malt Welsh Whisky. Therese Coffey, the UK's Secretary for Food and Farming, stated, "Single Malt Welsh Whisky is widely praised for its lightness of character and I am pleased to announce it will be the first protected spirit under our UKGI scheme at the Royal Welsh Show."


"It shows how the UK government is willing to support the best of British food and drink from across the country to increase sales at home and abroad, create jobs, and expand our economy," she claims. Four distilleries in Wales that export the product to more than 45 countries are registered to do so. It will be one of the products looking for more favourable tariffs in India, one of the key whisky markets, under a potential free trade agreement (FTA) between India and the UK, which is now in its 11th round of negotiations. "I'm thrilled that Welsh whisky has now been recognised as deserving of this special status," Welsh Secretary David T. C. Davies remarked. Wales is gaining recognition for creating premium food and beverages.UKGI accreditation is crucial in order for distillers to market this fantastic product abroad and to inform customers that they are purchasing a distinctive product created solely in Wales and packaged there.


All of this promotes profitability and employment growth for the industry, he added. From brewing through bottling, every stage of this whisky's manufacturing must occur in Wales. According to experts, the temperate and moist environment of Wales enables a consistent pace of maturity, resulting in a smooth and reviving flavour. To benefit from the clean, high-quality water that Wales has to provide, the majority of distilleries in Wales have their own well or borehole. The UKGI certification, according to distillers in Wales, is an "exciting step forward" that draws attention to a sector that has been expanding over the past 20 years. For both Penderyn as a producer and the larger Welsh whisky sector, achieving UKGI classification for Single Malt Welsh whisky is an important milestone. It helps to protect both the product's quality and its place of origin, according to Stephen Davies, CEO of Penderyn Whisky.

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