Africa splitting into two! The new ocean could reach 6 landlocked countries

Africa might split in the next 5 to 10 million years. The Somali Plate and the Nubian Plate are two tectonic plates that meet at the East African Rift Zone, which is a divergent boundary where the plates are moving away from each other. The East African Rift Zone is a complex system of rift valleys and volcanic mountains that marks the boundary between the Somali Plate and the Nubian Plate. The movement of the Somali plate, Nubian plate, and Arabian plate in opposite directions will result in the split of the continent into two halves.


Countries like Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, and Zambia will be gifted with their own coastline. These countries will have to build harbors in order to connect with the rest of the world. Kenya, Tanzania, and Ethiopia will have two separate regions each.

The smaller portion of Africa containing Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, the eastern parts of Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique where the valley ends, will drift away, and a coastline will be created for the several eastern and southern African countries. These countries have always relied on their neighbors for access to sea transport.


The DRC, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi have always been dependent on Kenya’s Indian Ocean port of Mombasa and Tanzania’s port of Dar es Salaam for their marine cargo and transportation. Therefore, the development of these coastlines will be of great advantage to African countries. It will reduce international expenses.

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