A Terrible Human Being - Adam Britton, UK based wildlife expert admits to bestiality and torture of dogs

A prominent British zoologist and crocodile expert, Adam Britton, has confessed to raping and killing dogs, filming his acts of bestiality, and sharing them online. Britton, who has worked with organisations like the BBC and National Geographic, admitted to torturing dozens of dogs until they died, all captured on camera.

In addition to these charges, Britton also confessed to accessing child abuse material online. He is currently awaiting sentencing for the 60 charges against him. The Northern Territory Supreme Court warned the public about the graphic nature of Britton's crimes, stating that the details could cause "nervous shock." Prosecutors revealed that Britton had a "sadistic sexual interest" in animals since 2014 and exploited his own pets as well as dogs given up by their owners.

He would deceive previous owners by using false narratives or sending old photos to gain custody of the animals. Britton had a dedicated "torture room" in a shipping container where he abused the animals. He was arrested in 2022 after the Northern Territory police discovered one of his videos. It was reported that 39 out of the 42 dogs he abused in the 18 months before his arrest had died. Britton, who holds a PhD in zoology and works at Charles Darwin University, will be sentenced in December.

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