A Quick Update on The Brazil Amazon Deforestation

In his first month in office, left wing President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva reduced deforestation in Brazil's portion of the Amazon rainforest by 61 percent. Lula da Silva has pledged to revive environmental preservation initiatives.

Lula de Silva

Experts have issued a warning, however, saying that while the decline is encouraging, it is still too early to declare that the deforestation, which soared under Jair Bolsonaro, Lula's predecessor and a member of Brazil's far-right party, has been stopped

Bolsonaro, who was closely defeated by Lula in the October elections and encouraged more mining and commercial growth in Brazil's expansive Amazon region, saw a sharp spike in deforestation. 

Deforestation in Brazil’s amazon rainforest

Environmental and Indigenous rights organisations had accused the Bolsonaro administration's policies for the rise in illegal operations, such as gold mining in the Amazon, and deforestation in the region, as well as an increase in violence against Indigenous populations

In an effort to stop environmental degradation in the Amazon, the new Brazilian administration has already taken some action.


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