7y/o girl finds a rare 2.95-carat golden brown diamond while playing in a park on her birthday

On September 1, a seven-year-old girl in the United States had an exceptional seventh birthday celebration after discovering an extraordinary 2.95-carat golden brown diamond during her visit to Crater of Diamonds State Park.

The Arkansas city of Murfreesboro is home to Crater of Diamonds State Park, which is renowned for its distinctive geological features. The park is located on the eroded surface of a former diamond-bearing volcano. It provides guests with a rare opportunity to explore its 37.5-acre diamond hunting area in search of these priceless gems.

Aspen ventured into the northern portion of the diamond search area with the assistance of her father and grandma. The unexpected occurred when she rested beside a group of rocks close to the fence line. Aspen Brown, ecstatic at her find, ran to her father, Luther Brown, shouting, "Dad! Dad! I found one!"

This find is remarkable because, after a 3.29-carat brown diamond found in March, it ranks as the second-largest diamond found by a park visitor this year. Aspen's diamond is also the first significant gem discovery since the park finished its excavation effort.

The assistant park superintendent Waymon Cox was awestruck by Aspen's discovery's beauty. He highlighted the enticing golden-brown colour and sparkling lustre of the diamond.

The gem, which is perfectly undamaged has a small split on one side that bears witness to how it naturally formed.

Visitors who find diamonds are encouraged to name their finds in keeping with the park's custom. In this instance, Aspen and her family decided to give the diamond the name "Aspen Diamond," indicating both its place of origin and the treasured memory of her seventh birthday.

(Photo: arkansasstateparks.com)

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