1500 Homeless Fish - How The Berlin Aquarium Put Exotic Fish in Peril

The Berlin aquarium has recently come under fire for putting around 1,500 exotic fish in peril. According to reports, the aquarium had to shut down its tropical hall for renovation, which meant the fish were displaced and homeless. While the aquarium initially tried to find new homes for the fish, it was unable to do so, and eventually decided to put them in temporary storage tanks.

Experts have expressed concern about the well-being of the fish, as the temporary tanks are not equipped to provide the same level of care as their regular habitats. The fish are reportedly experiencing high levels of stress and are at risk of disease and even death.

Berlin aquarium burst incident

Critics of the aquarium say that the decision to close down the tropical hall without a proper plan for the fish was irresponsible and careless. They argue that the aquarium has a responsibility to ensure the well-being of the animals under their care, and that they should have made alternative arrangements before shutting down the hall.

The incident has sparked a wider conversation about the treatment of animals in captivity, and highlights the importance of responsible animal care practices in zoos and aquariums.


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