In a shocking incident early Thursday morning, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed multiple times during an attempted robbery at his residence in Bandra, Mumbai. The attack occurred around 2:30 AM when an intruder entered Khan's 12th-floor apartment in the Satguru Sharan building. In a courageous act to protect his family, Khan confronted the assailant, sustaining six stab wounds, including severe injuries to his spine and neck.
Details of the Attack
Kareena Kapoor Khan, Saif's wife, provided a statement to the police detailing the events of the attack. She described the assailant as aggressive but noted that he did not take any jewellery from their home. According to reports, the intruder first demanded ₹1 crore from the household staff before attacking Khan when he intervened to protect his children and staff.
Upon arrival at Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital, doctors discovered a knife lodged in Khan's spine, causing spinal fluid leakage. Following a five-hour emergency surgery, he was reported to be "out of danger" and is currently recovering well.
CCTV Footage of Saif's House
This mighty powerful highly intelligent spy evaded security at the Main Gate of Saif Ali Khan's building & entered Saif's house at 10th floor.
He stabbed Saif Ali Khan 6 times, again evaded security and escaped.
Believe it if you want.— Incognito (@Incognito_qfs) January 16, 2025
Investigation Progress
The Mumbai Police have launched an extensive investigation into the incident, forming 20 teams to locate the attacker. They are reviewing CCTV footage that captured the suspect purchasing headphones at a mobile store shortly after fleeing the scene.
Police have also questioned over 15 individuals and taken more than 30 statements related to the case.
Despite initial confusion regarding a suspect detained earlier, police clarified that no one has been formally arrested in connection with the attack as of now. Investigators continue to analyze footage and gather evidence to apprehend the perpetrator.
Current Condition of Saif Ali Khan
As of now, Saif Ali Khan is recovering positively from his injuries. Doctors have indicated that he may be discharged within two to three days if his progress continues as expected. He has been moved out of the ICU and is able to walk and consume a normal diet.
This incident has raised concerns regarding safety in celebrity households and prompted discussions about security measures for public figures in India. The investigation remains ongoing as authorities work diligently to bring the attacker to justice.
The suspect detained in connection with the stabbing of Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan is currently being interrogated by Mumbai Police. Here are the key details regarding the suspect and the ongoing investigation:
Suspect Information
- Detention Location: The suspect was apprehended in Madhya Pradesh, approximately 60 hours after the attack on January 16, 2025.
- Age: The suspect's age has not been disclosed in the reports.
- Connection to the Attack: While police have detained this individual, they have yet to confirm whether he is indeed the attacker responsible for Khan's injuries. Investigators are actively questioning him to ascertain his involvement.
Circumstances Surrounding the Attack
- The attack occurred at Khan's residence in Bandra, where he was stabbed multiple times, suffering serious injuries to his neck and spine.
- Reports indicate that the assailant demanded a ransom of ₹1 crore but did not steal any valuables from the home, which raises questions about his motives.
- Following the attack, CCTV footage revealed that the suspect changed clothes and was seen purchasing headphones at a nearby store shortly after fleeing the scene.
Investigation Developments
- Mumbai Police have mobilized multiple teams to track down leads related to the suspect's movements before and after the attack.
- Authorities are reviewing CCTV footage from various locations, including railway stations, to trace how the suspect navigated through Mumbai after committing the crime.
- The police have also questioned several individuals with potential connections to the case, although no formal charges have been made against anyone else as of now.
Public Reaction
The incident has sparked widespread concern regarding celebrity safety and security measures in Mumbai, prompting calls for improved protection for high-profile individuals. Fans and industry colleagues have expressed their shock and support for Khan during this difficult time.As investigations continue, further details about the suspect and his potential motives are expected to emerge in the coming days.
With inputs from agencies
Image Source: Multiple agencies
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