Ludhiana Police Equipped With Scientific Investigation Kits That Can Be Easily Carried To Crime Scenes

All 29 police stations in Ludhiana have been equipped with scientific investigation kits, which will eliminate the need for the Ludhiana police to depend on a forensic science team to preserve evidence from a crime scene. The investigation kits are portable and can be easily carried to the crime spot. The kits include pen drives and hard discs to preserve the crime scene and evidence digitally, as well as tools to procure fingerprints, preserve blood samples and other clues from the scene of the crime.

Ludhiana Police

The kit contains various tools such as a torch, compass, magnifying glass, masks, gloves, containers, stationery items, and cordon off tapes. On Monday, Commissioner of Police Mandeep Singh Sidhu distributed the investigation kits to the SHOs at Police Lines. Previously, police officers had to wait for the forensic science team to initiate investigations in cases that occurred in their respective areas, but with the new kits, they can begin investigations immediately after reaching the scene.

Ludhiana Police

The scientific investigation kits distributed to all 29 police stations in Ludhiana include containers that will assist in collecting blood samples and other clues in murder and attempted murder cases. Previously, the police had to purchase plastic containers from the market immediately after a crime. The police personnel have been trained to collect samples and evidence using the new kits.

Ludhiana Police

To protect crime scenes from curious onlookers, the police will use cordon off tape. This will prevent people from stepping in and ruining the crime scene out of curiosity. Commissioner of Police Mandeep Singh Sidhu emphasized that the scientific investigation kits would significantly improve the police's ability to solve cases. He also stated that additional upgrades had been made to the police force.

Ludhiana Police

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