In a major breakthrough, the Kolkata and Bidhannagar police have successfully dismantled a gang involved in the illegal use of SIM cards, resulting in the arrest of nine individuals. This operation sheds light on a growing concern where SIM cards are registered under innocent people's names and misused for various criminal activities.
The Operation
The police launched an extensive investigation after receiving reports about suspicious activities linked to certain mobile numbers. Their efforts led to the identification of a network that was systematically acquiring SIM cards using forged documents. The gang reportedly targeted vulnerable individuals, often using their identities without consent.
Arrests and Seizures
During the operation, law enforcement officials conducted raids across multiple locations in Kolkata. They seized dozens of mobile phones, forged documents, and other materials related to the fraudulent activities. The arrested individuals are believed to be part of a larger network that has been involved in cybercrimes, including identity theft and financial fraud.
Impact on Citizens
Authorities have expressed concern that many people might unknowingly have SIM cards registered in their names, which could be exploited for illegal purposes. This situation not only poses a risk to individual privacy but also contributes to a broader issue of cybercrime that affects many citizens.
Police Advisory
In light of this incident, police are urging the public to remain vigilant. Citizens are encouraged to regularly check their mobile accounts for any unauthorized activity and report any suspicious behavior immediately. Additionally, individuals should be cautious when sharing personal information and verify the legitimacy of any requests for identification documents.
This operation underscores the importance of robust measures to combat SIM card fraud and protect citizens from identity theft. The Kolkata police are committed to continuing their efforts to dismantle such criminal networks and ensure public safety. As investigations continue, authorities are hopeful that these arrests will lead to further breakthroughs in tackling cybercrime in the region.
With inputs from agencies
Image Source: Multiple agencies
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