India's National Highway Network Grows by Nearly 50,000 km in Just 9 Years!

India's National Highway Network has seen a significant expansion in recent years, with the addition of almost 50,000 kilometres in just nine years. The expansion has played a crucial role in connecting various parts of the country and boosting economic growth.

In 2014, the total length of the National Highway Network in India was around 96,000 kilometres. By the end of 2022, the length of the network had increased to almost 146,000 kilometres, which is an impressive growth rate of nearly 50%.

This expansion has been made possible due to the Indian government's focus on improving infrastructure and connectivity. The government has launched several initiatives and schemes to enhance road connectivity in the country, including the Bharatmala Pariyojana, which is a flagship programme to improve road infrastructure across the country.

The expansion of the National Highway Network has brought immense benefits to the Indian economy. It has improved connectivity between different regions and made it easier for people to travel and transport goods. This, in turn, has led to the growth of businesses and industries, as well as the creation of jobs.

The expansion of the National Highway Network has also been beneficial for the agriculture sector in India. It has made it easier for farmers to transport their produce to different parts of the country and has opened up new markets for them.

Despite the significant progress, there is still much work to be done to further improve road connectivity in India. The government has acknowledged this and has set an ambitious target to build 60,000 kilometres of new highways by 2024.

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