Haryana BJP Chief Mohanlal Badoli and singer Jai Bhagwan, also known as Rocky, have been charged with gang rape in a case that has drawn significant media attention. The FIR was registered by the Himachal Pradesh Police on December 13, 2024, following allegations made by a woman who claimed she was assaulted in a hotel in Kasauli.
Incident Details
According to the FIR, the incident occurred on July 3, 2023, when the complainant was staying in Kasauli with her boss and a friend. The two accused allegedly met the woman and her friend at the hotel, where Badoli introduced himself as a political leader and Rocky as a singer. They invited the women to their room under the pretense of offering assistance with a government job and a chance to appear in a music video.
Allegations Made
The woman reported that once in the room, she was coerced into consuming alcohol. When she refused, both men allegedly raped her. The FIR states that they recorded videos of the assault and threatened to kill her if she revealed what had happened. Additionally, the complainant mentioned that two months prior to filing the FIR, she was summoned to Rocky's residence in Panchkula, where further threats were made against her.
Legal Proceedings
The FIR names both Badoli and Rocky under Sections 376D (gang rape) and 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). Despite attempts by PTI to reach Badoli for comment, no response was received. A copy of the FIR circulated on social media has further fueled public interest in the case.As investigations continue, this incident raises serious concerns about safety and accountability among public figures in India. The police are actively pursuing leads based on the woman's allegations as they work to uncover more details surrounding this troubling case.
What actions has the Himachal Pradesh Police taken so far?
So far, the Himachal Pradesh Police have taken several actions in response to the allegations against Haryana BJP Chief Mohanlal Badoli and singer Rocky Mittal regarding the gang rape case:
- FIR Registration: The police registered a First Information Report (FIR) on December 13, 2024, based on the complaint filed by the victim. The FIR includes charges under Sections 376D (gang rape) and 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code.
- Investigation Initiation: Following the FIR, the Himachal Pradesh Police have initiated an investigation into the matter. They are currently gathering evidence, including statements from the complainant and any witnesses.
- Evidence Collection: The police are expected to analyze all available evidence related to the case, which may include any digital records or surveillance footage that could support the victim's claims.
- Liaison with Legal Authorities: The police are likely coordinating with legal authorities to ensure a thorough investigation and adherence to legal protocols throughout the process.
- Public Statements: While no arrests have been made yet, both accused individuals have publicly denied the allegations and described them as politically motivated. The police may take these statements into account during their investigation.
As this case unfolds, further updates from the Himachal Pradesh Police are anticipated as they continue their inquiry into these serious allegations.
With inputs from agencies
Image Source: Multiple agencies
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