China releases 11 names for places in Arunachal Pradesh while claiming over the state

India on Tuesday rejected China's decision to rename 11 sites in Arunachal Pradesh. On China renaming 11 places in Arunachal Pradesh, the External Affairs Ministry said this is not the first time it has made such an attempt. India rejects it outright. The ministry said that Arunachal Pradesh is an integral and inseparable part of India and changing the name will not change this reality. 

On Sunday, the Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs published a list of 11 places in Arunachal Pradesh with their titles in Chinese, Tibetan, and Pinyin script. which include the names of two land areas, the names of two residential areas, and the names of five mountainous regions. and includes the names of two rivers. 

This is the third time that the Chinese government has issued new names for areas of Arunachal Pradesh. Earlier in 2017, it released the list of names of six places in Arunachal Pradesh and 15 places in 2021. India, on the other hand, strongly opposed both of these lists. Arunachal Pradesh has always been regarded as an integral and unalienable part of India, according to India's position. China's case on this is evidence of its terrible goals.

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