Why are Dengue numbers through the roof across India? What can you do to prevent it?

What is dengue fever?

dengue fever

The Aedes aegypti mosquito spreads dengue fever, a viral tropical disease. The mosquito lives in suburban and urban areas, and it generally breeds in flowerpots and dirty water. The mosquito bites people during the day, unlike malaria insects that bite at night. It is also called "break bone fever" because it causes pain in the muscles and joints.

In many warm and subtropical areas like India, Southeast Asia, Southern China, Taiwan, Mexico, and Central America, the fever happens every year. Every year, the disease affects about 500,000 people, and 2.5% of them pass away from it.

When a mosquito bites a person, the virus circulates in the blood for 2–7 days, which is how long it takes for a fever to form. If a person already has dengue fever, the disease can be passed on when the first signs show up, which usually takes 4-5 days after being bitten. If a person heals from dengue fever, they will never get it again.

Dengue fever symptoms

dengue fever

When a mosquito bites a teenager or child with a mild case of dengue fever, they don't have any signs. Adults, on the other hand, usually start feeling sick 4-5 days after being bitten. The first sign of dengue is a very high fever of 104 F, followed by a headache, nausea, vomiting, or a rash. Most people heal from the fever in about a week, but in some cases, the symptoms get worse, and it can be life-threatening. If you have these symptoms, you should see a doctor at a reputable diagnostics place. It is also a good idea to see a doctor if you have been to an area where dengue fever is common.

Dengue fever isn't always deadly, but it's not the best thing to have. Remember the saying, "Treatment without prevention is unsustainable?”

How to avoid dengue fever

dengue fever

Use a mosquito repellent

The most effective way to stop getting dengue fever is to use mosquito repellent treatments. These creams shouldn't be used more than three times a day, and the length of protection usually depends on the brand. The longer the security, the higher the concentration. But some people may have bad reactions to the chemicals in cream repellents, so make sure you do a patch test first.

-Other good repellents include:

Mosquito-proof patches: These are patches that can be sewn onto the back of clothes. They are safe to eat and can last up to 3 days. Because they are so safe to use, they are great for babies and young children.

- Repellant bands: These are waterproof rubber bands that have citronella in them to keep mosquitoes from biting.

- Mosquito wipes: These anti-mosquito wipes are a great choice for kids and are a lot less messy than creams.

Wear protective clothes

During mosquito season, it is best to sleep in rooms with air conditioning and windows covered with mosquito nets. Also, wear clothes with long arms and long trousers that cover as much skin as possible. The less skin you leave out, the less likely you are to get bitten. It's also a good idea to wear light-coloured clothes, which generally keep mosquitoes away.

Use bug repellents

When cleaning your house, use cleaning products and other repellents that keep dengue bugs from coming in. This includes electronic vaporizers, which generally keep mosquitoes away from the house all day. However, vaporizers can cause allergic reactions in children, so be careful when using them. Another choice is to add a drop of citronella or lemongrass to the water you'll use to clean the floors. This will keep mosquitoes away. Make sure to use insecticide-treated bed nets, and make sure the windows are closed so you don't get bitten while you sleep. The smell of cloves in lemons and oranges can also keep bugs and flies from entering the house.

Avoid breeding places

Mosquitoes usually live in dirty places, like pools of water that don't move, because these are good places for mosquitoes to breed. Make sure that no part of your home has too much dirt or filth, like dirty plates or floors. Dengue bugs can make you sick, so it's important to keep your house clean and organised.

Avoid smells that attract bugs

Mosquitoes are drawn to smells like sweat and perfume as if they were moths to a flame. Take a shower often to get rid of sweat, and use lotions and creams that don't have scents.

Make sure your house is well-lit

Mosquitoes usually lay eggs in small, dark places. Have the sun shine through the windows all day to keep bugs from coming into your home. Make sure all the windows and doors are closed and covered with bug screens for extra safety.

Learn about dengue fever

When the virus is present in the mosquito's salivary glands, dengue fever develops and spreads to people through mosquito bites. The virus gets into the bloodstream, causing viremia. Once the virus is in the body, it causes an illness. Because dengue is such a bad disease, protection is always the best cure. It is important for families to know about dengue, what it does, and what measures they need to take to avoid getting this debilitating disease.

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