WHO classifies EG.5 strain as 'Variant of Interest' with less impact on public health

The World Health Organization (WHO) has categorized the EG.5 coronavirus variant, which is spreading rapidly in the United States and China, as a "variant of interest." However, the WHO has indicated that this variant does not appear to pose a greater threat to public health compared to other variants.

Characteristics and Spread of EG.5 Variant

The EG.5 variant, currently the predominant strain in the United States accounting for over 17% of cases, has led to surges in COVID-19 cases within the country. This variant has also been identified in other nations such as China, South Korea, Japan, and Canada.

WHO's Evaluation and Statement

The World Health Organization has stated that the available evidence does not suggest that EG.5 carries additional public health risks in comparison to other descendant lineages of the Omicron variant. While acknowledging the need for a more extensive risk assessment of EG.5, the WHO emphasized that the current evaluation does not indicate heightened concerns.

Insights from WHO Experts

Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO's technical lead on COVID-19, highlighted that EG.5 exhibits heightened transmissibility but is not intrinsically more severe than other Omicron variants. She clarified that the severity of EG.5 remains comparable to the sublineages of Omicron that have been in circulation since late 2021.

Concerns About Data Reporting

Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus expressed concern over the inadequate reporting of COVID-19 data by many countries to the WHO. He revealed that only a mere 11% of countries have shared data concerning hospitalizations and ICU admissions related to the virus.

Call to Action and Recommendations

In response, the WHO issued a set of persistent recommendations for managing COVID-19. It strongly urged countries to continue reporting comprehensive data related to mortality and morbidity stemming from the virus. Additionally, the WHO called for the continuous promotion of vaccination efforts.

Challenges and Implications

Van Kerkhove stressed the challenges posed by the lack of data from numerous countries, which hinder effective virus mitigation strategies. She lamented the diminishing agility in responding to the evolving situation and the increasing delays in anticipatory actions. The absence of timely and complete data has eroded the global response's effectiveness over time.

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